You look like you lost weight! Ladies love hearing that.
“English Paper Piecing is one of the oldest forms of hand quilting. It is the base for the famed grandmother quilt made of hexagon flowers. It is also a huge source of community for women as they sit in groups to work on their EPP projects and trade fabric hexagons with one another. The process is also physically draining and time consuming, which is why it is often not a solitary practice. I found that stripping the community from such rigorous processes allowed me to push my body and attention span.”
Materials: Digital image printed on crushed velour, thread, felt - handsewn
Size: 51”x28.5”x.25”
Year: 2019
Title Origin: ‘You look like you lost weight! Ladies love hearing that.’ was said to me by my former tax guy. He said the first half of the statement to me and the second to my husband.